About the CCSDThe Center for Scientific Direct Communication (CCSD) is very pleased to welcome in Lyon the COAR community members. Created by the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) in 2000, the CCSD has become a service unit joining INRIA, the University of Lyon and INRA. It is a major actor in the national policy of free access.
The website of the COAR 2019 conference is managed with SciencesConf, another platform created and developed by the CCSD. It is a service facilitating the different stages of organising a conference, from receipt of submissions to automatic printing of documents, including reviewing and programming of themes. The third principal service created by the CCSD for the research communities is Episciences, It is conceived as an overlay service to organize peer reviewing and publication of preprints deposited in HAL and arXiv. It currently hosts 13 overlay journals in Informatics and applied mathematics, Mathematics and Human sciences ; an another one is forthcoming in 2019.